The hike up to Ingalls pass is nice, but not necessarily spectacular. We covered just over 2 miles and about 2000 ft in about 90 minutes. Thankfully we started walking on snow about 100 ft from the pass and at the pass we were greeted with a a beautiful view of Headlight basin and Mt Stuart, as always with its top covered in a cloud, and plenty of snowcover for some excellent skiing. We rested and changed into ski boots/clothes when we got a few visitors in camp as Lucas described as "ridiculously too cute:" a few baby goats (accompanied by mommas) that couldn't been more than a few days old. (Personally, I think he has been hanging out with his dogs too
We made our way over to S. Ingalls. We transitioned from boot to skins a little too much for my liking, but all was good. We made it up with little difficulty while at the same time, looking at all the possible chutes for the ski down. A painless climb with nice views on top. Pic is the four of us on the summit. We had lunch and watched what must have been 5 or so groups on E Ingalls peak (the highpoint of the three peaks) rock climbing. Some of the pitches looked fun (I might have to go back), but still a little crowded. After lunch, we got to ski! The snow was nicely consolidated and soft offering some fun skiing. Pic left is our chosen line down. Our route up took us a little to the right (with a little booting on rock), and then a ski to 20 feet from the rocky summit shown in pic. The continuous line from the summit included a little steep 3 feet wide 'couloir.' There was a too little room for error with that line so 3 of us downclimbed 20 feet as to avoid that area while Ryan nailed it. The rest was pure June ski enjoyment - steep and great snow! Pic is lucas
We then headed back up (South) to another highpoint (~7646') skinning the whole way. The lines down looked great - nice open, steep faces. Pic shows Lucas and Blythe skinning up to the highpoint (Ryan and I took a slight detour for the fun of it). After another break we were greeted with another awesome run down. We managed to glide over to the pass without needing to don the skins (a pleasant
All in all it was a great day. 5060' gain/loss over the day. Headlight basin is a great place to ski, or just hang out and hike! The weather stayed sunny nearly the entire day, it was a great location, great company, and great skiing. Just what the Dr ordered for the four of us needing to flee Seattle.
View to the W from Ingalls summit, including Mt Daniel (highest point in King county)
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