Because the yard and carport were full of fallen trees I was parking on the street. After a fine Friday soccer game (we beat our nemesis!) I parked and walked to the bar for some celebratory beverages. Life was great. Unfortunately I woke to a call on Sat morning more or less informing me that my car was stolen. The worst part (well, that's debatable) is that my bike was in the hatchback. So both means of transportation were gone ... like that. A moment for the bike - it was my first road bike and it was a fun ride. I thought it was a fun little toy and everyone that worked on it thought it was cool for what it was. So now it's gone with the car. So insurance, blah blah blah. The worst part is that I literally felt my disposition to fellow strangers changed overnight. Now instead of looking at everyone and assuming good, it's the opposite and I am much more guarded. It's not really how I want to live, but the few rotten apples in the bushel have gotten to me. ok, enough philosophizing and all in all, I know that this is insignificant and worse things happen to tons of people everyday, but it just yanked my confidence in society right out form me.
And then it was like all the tiny things that could go wrong went wrong. ... well, not all of them, but enough of them! I got sick and felt miserable for a month. There was a leak in a keg and 10 gallons of freshly made yummy homebrew spewed all over the freezer (holy mess batman, and holy beer foul batman), spending way too much time/stress in the yard taking care of the trees, insurance crap, dryer broke, coffee carafe decided to jump off the drying rack (life without coffee!?!!?!?!??!), dealing with the end of the seattle winter waiting for su, so on and so forth. So I spent much of March moping around and dealing with those issue. So yeah, all pretty minor, but cumulatively they took a toll. boo hoo hoo. So yeah, I should stop my whining and get over it. I guess it's time to get out in the mountains again and start writing about it. Will do!
So the car will come back, but the bike will be gone. I found it posted on craigslist the following morning. Sucked seeing it being sold right under my nose. it was a fun little toy. Hopefully the new owner will enjoy it as well, and karma will be just to those that deserve it.

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