Contrary to the title of the blog (kc-climbs), I am putting more than just climbs. I am putting weekend hobbies ... Climbs, hikes, Fun brew news, and other exciting or not so exciting excursions. I'm trying to organize trip reports, recipes, etc. on the right. Please leave comments as I love reading them!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kevin's entire (Brown Porter)

I wanted to do a double IPA. But my yeast was too old and dead-ish... and an unhealthy yeast crop is a recipe for disaster. So I decided to go the other extreme and attempt a brown porter. I've never made a porter, I much prefer bolder stouts. But this was supposed to be a brown like porter... sort of a session beer for the fall/winter.

For beer geeks: (10 gallon batch) 13# marris otter, 0.4# aromatic, 0.4# biscuit, 1# brown, 1.3# crystal 120, 0.5# flaked barley. Simple mash at 154 (oops, hit high at 158!!!). mash out at 170. boil 60 min. 60 min 1 oz wilamette (6.4%), 1 oz UK kent goldings (5.2%) for 20 IBU. 15 min 0.9 oz UK kent goldings. Chill to ~80, aerate and pitch Wyeast 1098, I believe. Whatever yeast Alison used for her BBB. Lots of activity by the evening!

Well, the OG was 1.048, a little higher than I was targeting for .... maybe not a real session beer. Also, not enouh Brown/Chocolate malt for a porter like color. :-( Oh well, hopefully it will turn out to be a light beer, with a little body left over (should have it!) and some good malt flavors. We'll just re-classify the final product! :-)


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